Saturday, October 9, 2010

You Capture - Faces

This week's You capture is Faces. Here are two faces that I love so much and they are perfect to share!



We went out on the Willamette with a couple of friends in their boat and had a blast! It was M's first time in a boat, first time in a life vest and you can see what he thought of that! It was a blast. though and now I can't wait to go crabbing next weekend with the same couple. They are actually leaving to go to Idaho to work in unassigned territory I believe, so these times are special to me!

To see more Faces visit Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry



  1. Oh, I haven't been on a boat in a long time - makes me wish I could be on one right now!

  2. Great photos! You had weather good enough for a boat ride? We've had tons of rain in our neck of the woods lately!

  3. That b/w shot of your cute baby's chubby cheeks is wonderful!

