Saturday, December 25, 2010

My first pictures with my new camera!

Tommy and I bought this camera from a very nice lady on the photography board I frequent and it is the greatest purchase we have made in a long time! It is a Canon Rebel 300D and came with the kit lens, but also came with a 35-80mm 4-5.6. I cannot wait to learn all I can!

These are a couple of my first pictures:

SOOC for all of them,

His nose is what is in focus, but if you will notice that these are at ISO 1600 and the noise is like the P&S at 400! Oh yes!


Yeah I am super happy at the amount of noise. I do need a Lightscoop or Speedlight, more than likely a Lighscoop on my budget. My apartment is a cave!

Can't wait to share more with you all!